Suffolk Accident Rescue Service – 17 August 2023

In August we welcomed Suffolk Accident Rescue Service (SARS) to our meeting. Despite the seriousness of the subject we had fun in learning all of the interesting information. They took us through life saving skills in recognising and acting when someone goes into cardiac arrest, learning signs which wouldn’t necessarily be expected.

Our members undertook CPR training using manikins and training defibrillators, to know what to expect should we ever need to use them. All attendees were presented with a certificate at the end of the evening. A cheque for £160 was presented to SARS following fundraising which took place earlier in the year and during the evening’s raffle. 

Painting Passions Christmas Workshop

At Henley WI we are holding two Painting Passions workshops on Saturday, 4 November (10am-1pm and 2-5pm) to create a Christmas masterpiece ready for the festive season! The workshop is open to everyone with no previous painting experience necessary!

The tutor will guide you through how to create the piece – a lovely Father Christmas painted in acrylic on wood with festive fairy lights. The price for this is £35 for non-members (£25 for members). Please RSVP: if interested in attending. 

Interested in joining?

We meet on the third Thursday of the month, first time visits are free. If you are interested or would like to find out more about Henley WI please contact our Secretary Claire Trott: or join our Facebook group – Henley (Suffolk) WI.