Headway Suffolk dementia group – Ipswich
Local charity Headway Suffolk runs a monthly social support group for people living with dementia in Ipswich.
The group takes part in a variety of stimulating and engaging activities, such as indoor games, cognitive exercises, discussions and social interaction. The cost includes fish and chips lunch and refreshments. The person with dementia must be accompanied by a carer.
Date/Time: 2nd Friday and 4th Thursday of the month, from 11.45am – 3.15pm
Venue: St Augustine’s Church Hall, Bucklesham Road, Ipswich IP3 8TH
Cost: £10.00 per person
Next Date: Friday 9 December 2022
Next Date: No 4th Thursday group in December 2022
Contact: Maureen Howes on 01473 712225 or email maureenhowes@headwaysuffolk.org.uk
More details: www.headwaysuffolk.org.uk/dementiaipswich
Headway Suffolk dementia group – Castle Hill
Local charity Headway Suffolk runs a monthly social support group for people living with dementia in the Castle Hill area of Ipswich.
The group takes part in a variety of stimulating and engaging activities, such as indoor games, cognitive exercises, discussions and social interaction. The cost includes fish and chips lunch and refreshments. The person with dementia must be accompanied by a carer.
Date/Time: 4th Friday of the month, from 11.45am – 3.15pm
Venue: Castle Hill United Reformed Church, Dryden Road, Castle Hill IP1 6QF
Cost: £10.00 per person
Next Date: Friday 23 December 2022
Contact: Maureen Howes on 01473 712225 or email maureenhowes@headwaysuffolk.org.uk
More details: www.headwaysuffolk.org.uk/dementia-castle-hill